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    Let's talk about machine vision solutions for your Production Department

    KSM Vision Sp. z o.o.
    Bzowa 21,
    02-708 Warsaw, Poland

    Registered at:
    ul. Sokołowska 9/117, 01-142 Warszawa I Warsaw, Poland
    NIP 5272682660
    KRS 0000429241
    REGON 146277926

    +48 501 483 434

    Your trusted partner
    in the quality control industry

    At KSM Vision, a team of software, hardware and data processing engineers creates automated vision inspection solutions from the ground up. Hence, we remain open and flexible to customization to meet the most demanding and unusual applications of your corporate clients.

    Combining advanced machine learning algorithms with reliable hardware from leading producers, our solutions are state-of-the-art vision inspection systems.

    Serving a diverse range of sectors – including woodworking, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food – we bring the reliability and precision you need.

    You can’t find the right solution for your industry in the list of KSM Vision systems? Contact us to talk about the possible solution we can create from scratch. 

    Our R&D on the solutions with the use of neural network potential are backed by our renowned partners: